Choosing to have a child...

Created by Alicia & Arielle Kruse 12 years ago
Most don't know his daughter Arielle was no mistake. This was a pre planned decision on both mine and Zech's choices. No one will underatand how much he loved his daughter and how he started to revolve his whole life around her. Not only around her but his family that he begged for. He was an amazing dad. He got up in the middle of the night and tried for hours to get her to be calm. There were times he couldn't sooth her and he would get so frustrated because he wanted her to love him more then me. No doubt in my mind if he were still here today she would be a daddies lil princess 100%. He is missed everyday by myself and his daughter. She may not have gotten to know him but she still talks to me about him like he is still here. He is with her everyday and will be for the rest of her life. He will always have a piece of my heart no matter how long he is gone.