I love you Zech!

2007 September 12

Created by Melinda 16 years ago
Zech, Although I loved you and took care of you as if you were my own, you were never really mine to begin with; you were only on loan to me. You were placed in my care for a short amount of time and it was a privilege and a joy----I only wish it had been longer. I was so proud of you. I was proud of the father you were becoming. I was proud of the changes you were making in your life. I was so proud of the way you were taking ownership and being pro-active in your future. I was proud of your plans to go to college and open your own restaurant. I was proud of the way you had grown and matured in the past three months. A mother could not be more proud of her son as I was of you. Thank you for being you. Thank you for bringing out the child in me. Thank you for sharing your sense of humor with me and all you came into contact with. Thank you for my granddaughter. Thank you for helping me to look at life a little differently. Thank you for sharing your hopes and dreams with me. Thank you for being the best son a mother could have. I will miss you beyond all understanding. I will miss the talks we had late into the nights. I will miss seeing you raise your daughter. I will miss your baggy pants, your messy room and the sound of your music. I will miss seeing you walk down the stairs half asleep and hearing the water run at 3 AM as you take a shower. I will miss seeing your smile and hearing your laugh. I will miss hearing you say you aren't hungry and yet starving when fast food is mentioned. I will miss seeing you come home in your caddy. I will miss your soft, kind heart and your teasing ways. I will miss your silly stunts and your friendly manner. I will miss touching your hair and smelling your aftershave. I will miss hearing you say, "I love you, too" as I head off to bed every night. I will miss you.... The memories I have of you will be with me always. Even though the void you left in my life is huge, I would not give back the time we shared together. It doesn't seem fair that after all the trials we have been through this past year that you would be taken from me so soon. You were just starting a new chapter in your life, and it seemed to have such a promising ending. I don't understand why you were taken from me so soon; I only know that God wanted you back. And although I shed many tears, I know you are in a place far better than me. I can only imagine what it must be like to see Jesus in all His glory. What a glorious time you must be having on the streets of gold reunited with your grandpa and grandma. I look forward to the day we will be joined together again, but until that time, I will miss and love you every day of my life. Love, Mom