The holiday season has come once again. It is a very bitter sweet time of year for me. I love the lights and all the good cheer but, my life isn’t the same without Zech. I miss his smile, his laughter, his sense of humor and his love of life.
Zech’s death has changed me. I am no longer the person I was 17 months ago. I cannot pretend that Zech’s death has not changed who I am. So I have decided to make this year the year of changes—instead of buying I want to spend. I don’t want to buy that perfect gift for my love ones, I want to spend time with them and enjoy their company. Life is too short to buy and not spend.
This year trying SPENDING a little more than you BUY. And in doing so Zech will have made a difference in this world.
Be sure to click on the music link on the right. Zech recorded this with his 5th Grade Choir.